These are demo recordings of original compositions that Louisa has written over the span of 20 or so years.

What others have said or written about Louisa’s music and musicality:

“Uvědomil jsem si, že ten proces přetavování, vyvolává vlastně velmi podobný pocit, jako tvé písničky. Je to nějak uklidňující. Je v tom něco upokojujícího. Očišťujícího. A i když je to nebezpečný proces, the melting, působí ten pohled na ty živly a žárem rozavený kov dojmem jakési jistoty nebo bezpečí.”

(Ivo K.)

“Je to smutné místo… v Krušných horách a všude kolem jsou doly, krajina je zničená a je zde obrovský hluk od strojů. Vybavila jsem si tohle místo, když jsem četla popis toho, co budete hrát na jazzovém festivalu v Guelphu. Zraněná krajina potřebuje takovou uklidňující hudbu.”

(Veronika F.)

“I was listening to your song, it's very beautiful, has a wonderfully peaceful and uplifting feel to it. I am really impressed with your Czech, well done

(Marketa I.)

“I think of the sun and the wind and strength like grasses blown so hard yet not coming unrooted.”

(Julia H.)

“There is something sweet and rich, organic and smokey about her songs and her voice - like dark honey harvested from bee hives near a rye field. The violin, played and plucked, is delightfully human-sounding, so it’s like a woman singing in harmony with herself. She brings a primal, soothing simplicity to her compositions that has made her music stay with me in dark times in a way that is all too rare, and usually reserved for archetypal icons like Silent Night or Amazing Grace. She is a crafter of lullabyes. There is something soft and bright and lovely about the Czech language that lends itself to folk melodies, and that East European sensibility is deep in this small woman’s blood and sinew, heart and vocal folds. I hear her sing every chance I get. The Sun Song is definitely in my top five favourite songs ever in all time. It's not that I hum it to pick me up... I hum it to release some sadness.

(Robin P.)